Saturday 10 May 2014

learning is hope

                                                                                         Hi im Chad Wall and my story is about hope. learning about your misakes is one of the most positive things you can ever experience why because you can only get stronger nd learn by your mistakes. So ive been on this earth for up too 22years and for me theres been tough,hard,easy and simple ways to escape my hard times, but life is like a cirle you going too go through hard times but theres always a gate way to your easy and simple times witch makes us happy and wants too make us live...and what ive learned today at Rlabs just gave me hope and the courage too learn more about positive things around us and with in me witch makes you a stronger and better person. For me todays lesson was about hope only because i was one of the youngest students with computer skills and much older learners in the class that did not know jack about social media but yet they didnt give up HOPE witch inspires me in so much ways, and my message today is things might not go the way you want them too just dont give up HOPE!!!!!!

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