Saturday 10 May 2014

today i had a great time at rl labs relating to the social media course i attended. the staff were friendly,very professional,and helpful.this course has a new meaning to the word course,its exciting ,not boring as the previous courses i attended in the past. i feel awesome that's the word that comes to mind.thank you rlabs,u guys are the best.god bless.

Patience,love and faith

I never thought patience in a persons life is such a big deal.As i grew older i realize i never want to go without it.Everywhere you go,in any kind of place u need patience.I thank God that He gave me that kind of patience.

Through innovation we could get people to adopt socially acceptable behavior that would upgrade a value or values in a community's daily life. Adults can educate or empower their children about global warming by encouraging them to recycle paper,glass and plastics.They could collect these from their homes.This would put less pressure on the community's landfill sites.
The vegetable peels at home could be used to make a compost heap at home.

My first day @Rlabs

Hope is the substance of things HOPE for the evidence not seen.

South Africa has one of the most beautiful and gorgeous mountain views in africa. Table mountain #1 is partly one of the seven world wonders. It is tourist attraction and i hope you enjoying the view.

What would we do without dressmakers? over centuries our clothing has evolved from the most beautiful to the most bezare covering of the body; and then the poor dressmaker has the challenge of creating new patterns to accomadate the new styles.who says dressmaking is easy?

Hi everybody, I'm @ rlabs today doing an introduction to social media course. These people are amazing. They are very help full and they make you feel welcome. When I heard of them, I immediately called  to find out how things work and what they do. @ that moment i did not know that they offer these courses for for free. I was amazed when the person who answered the call told me to just bring myself and a smile. So I would like to tell everyone about rlabs and how they help people to introduce them to social media. I'm looking forward to coming back here next week.

Support Groups


Support Groups

Support groups are important in communities. People need someone they can talk to. In groups u can talk and people listen to u.  

This is a place where people gather that do not have hope for the future. This is one of the forms where people can find new hope.

Power of change

I had no money and wanted to do a course so I thought of Rlabs .I went an there I started not thinking of money because they gave free scholarships .I was so happy an excited to see the change in my life their and then starting.Change was my main option now an not money.Life is all about change!

I'm going to sale this house after 2 weeks because I'm going in France the price is  30.000 dollars plz call  Yves management  at o613312847 or0836664424.

Becoming a new person

Since I started at Rlabs, it has changed me from being the introvert that I was to becoming more people savy. I can stand up before people without being shy. Rlabs has taught me to have more confidence in myself. I know that i can make a difference in someones life, and that makes me feel good about myself.
Through Rlabs I have made many friends.

Thank you Rlabs for giving me the opportunity.



Hey everyone I just want to share the wonderful experience that I have embraced at Rlabs Cape Town.Since I have been apart of this wonderful family I have been feeling blessed and alive with opportunity,change,hope and inspiration.I feel more confident and work better with different types of cultures and people.It is really nice to meet people of all avenues.

Thank you Rlabs for changing my view on life.

making of birthday cards

This is my hand crafts  Birthday  cards!!

Never lose hope

My name is Kiesmieya.Joshua.
Today i went to Rlabs and it was all about changing your ways towards life and helping people and never to lose hope.

There is always HOPE

The value I experienced today was about HOPE. I felt that my self esteem had been boosted and with HOPE anything is possible.


Before I came here at R Labs I knew nothing about computers .I'm so thankful for R Labs for giving me the opportunity.

youth development

I have a passion for youth development .I will use this knowledge to take it further.Thanks to Rlabs !I am over excited to START!

i can be just like you.just give me a hand

    Being an adult does't always make u clever ,their is always space for improvement like the teacher write in your child's report after an exam.For me its more like what you don't know , an remember that you are not too old too learn .My goal and aim in life is too help children who have a problem too identify school work .At the school were i currently work their is a lot of kids with this learning problem.

Beautiful people .

An experience at Rlabs as great as this picture. Goodbye to mysteries of blogging.Thanks to all .


I was given a oppurtunity and that really gave me hope  like a kickstart to empower me with some knowledge

learning is hope

                                                                                         Hi im Chad Wall and my story is about hope. learning about your misakes is one of the most positive things you can ever experience why because you can only get stronger nd learn by your mistakes. So ive been on this earth for up too 22years and for me theres been tough,hard,easy and simple ways to escape my hard times, but life is like a cirle you going too go through hard times but theres always a gate way to your easy and simple times witch makes us happy and wants too make us live...and what ive learned today at Rlabs just gave me hope and the courage too learn more about positive things around us and with in me witch makes you a stronger and better person. For me todays lesson was about hope only because i was one of the youngest students with computer skills and much older learners in the class that did not know jack about social media but yet they didnt give up HOPE witch inspires me in so much ways, and my message today is things might not go the way you want them too just dont give up HOPE!!!!!!


we mast never give up in our your dreams no matter what happens.

youth developer

You never too old too learn Iexpierence alot at RLABS it is exiting an very inspiring an the guys are great an motivate you